Take power with carbon offsets

Leverage your carbon

Companies communities and organizations have either regulatory and/or voluntary requirements to decrease harmful emissions. Carbon offsets are an internationally recognized market-based product to enable compliance. You may not realize you are generating valuable carbon credits or that you can reduce your company’s carbon footprint by leveraging carbon offsets and credits.  

Carbon offsets represent a decrease in emissions of greenhouse gases to compensate for, or act as an offset for a carbon emission created elsewhere. One carbon offset signifies the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in greenhouse gases. In other words, a carbon offset credit means there will be one less ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there otherwise would have been.
Picture of carbon offset credit process

Verify and join the market

The verification and validation processes, allows companies to trade credits on the most competitive compliance markets in the world. Summit specialists also leverage their carbon offset expertise on behalf of businesses interested in purchasing qualified and certified carbon credits. Purchasing carbon offset credits allows a company to meet its own voluntary or mandatory carbon goals.

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